

Bebop Cortez fr. Who Bangin', "Standard Candles"
Sonic Youth fr. Daydream Nation, "Candle"
Philip Dickau fr. This City, and You, "A candle"
Pieta Brown fr. Shimmer, "Hey Joey"
Jaga Jazzist fr. What We Must, "For All You Happy People"
Julia Stone fr. Memory Machine, "Horse with the wings"
Explosions in the Sky fr. Take Care, Take Care, Take Care, "Human Qualities"
Myelin Sheaths self-titled, "contagious"
Nu Sensae, "worm(s)"
Shearing Pinx fr. Poison Hands, "Cursed Matter"
Stamina Mantis split ep w/ Shearing Pinx, "Unicorns shit rainbows"

1 comment:

Kiriako said...

Any chance your shows will be released as podcasts?

Keep up the awesome work.