

...the words of Haruki Murakami mixed in with a little Broadcast, Kurt Vile, and Autistici.
Country and Western fr. PIXXX3, "You Fang Genuine"
Pigeon Breeders fr. Nocturnal Reveries, "light clutter"
Burro fr. PIXXX3, "Drone Castle"
Valiska fr. PIXXX3, "Storm/Cave"
Tim Hecker fr. The Piano Drop, "In the fog I"
The Weather Station fr. Everything I saw, "Came so easy"
Simon Scott fr. Below Sea Level, "_Sealevel.2"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the stuff you play, and would love to send you some of my music if you are interested... couldn't find an email address on here though. Cheers, CE
claraengel AT gmail DOT com