

jamesblacke452kahrks.jpg (452×459)

James Blake fr. Klavierwerke EP, "Tell Her Safe"
Pole fr. CD1, "Paula"
Sawako fr. bitter sweet, "Deep Under"
Terminal Sound System fr. Constructing Towers, "Alaska"
The Concerns of Royalty fr. The Concerns of Royalty, "See me this way"
Ben Frost fr. By The Throat, "Through the roof of my mouth"
Taylor Deupree fr. Northern, "Northern"
Siskiyou "Hold it in"
Twin Library fr. Folkrecorder, "It's Snow, It's Dark"
Jom Comyn fr. Comynge Tegythere, "Crying just for show"


Nathan Kelly said...

Hey, thanks for playing the concerns of royalty on your show. It's pretty cool that you'd give us a chance like that.
Thanks again!

an said...

My pleasure. I've listened to the cd quite a bit. If you pass through Edmonton, stop by CJSR and say hi!